Deconstructionism, Structuralism, Post-structuralism

Produkty 151-175 z 238

238 produkt(ów)
Ustaw kierunek rosnący
  1. Lacan Contra Foucault: Subjectivity, Sex, and Politics
    Lacan Contra Foucault: Subjectivity, Sex, and Politics Ali Nadia Bou
    233,88 zł
  2. A Search for Clarity: Science and Philosophy in Lacan's Oeuvre
    A Search for Clarity: Science and Philosophy in Lacan's Oeuvre Milner Jean-Claude
    213,71 zł
  3. The Philosopher's Plant: An Intellectual Herbarium
    The Philosopher's Plant: An Intellectual Herbarium Marder Michael
    106,02 zł
  4. Jonathan Lethem and the Galaxy of Writing
    Jonathan Lethem and the Galaxy of Writing Brooker Joseph
    332,07 zł
  5. History of Sexuality: 3
    History of Sexuality: 3 Foucault Michel
    52,51 zł
  6. Alienation
    Alienation Jaeggi Rahel
    106,19 zł
  7. Jacques the Sophist: Lacan, Logos, and Psychoanalysis
    Jacques the Sophist: Lacan, Logos, and Psychoanalysis Cassin Barbara
    134,86 zł
  8. Derrida: A Very Short Introduction
    Derrida: A Very Short Introduction Glendinning Simon
    37,51 zł
  9. Quantum Anthropologies: Life at Large
    Quantum Anthropologies: Life at Large Kirby Vicki
    108,19 zł
  10. The Elements of Foucault, 55
    The Elements of Foucault, 55 Lambert Gregg
    100,35 zł
  11. Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation
    Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation Sloterdijk Peter
    149,53 zł
  12. Deconstruction: An American Institution
    Deconstruction: An American Institution Jones-Katz Gregory
    149,53 zł
  13. The Destruction of Reason
    The Destruction of Reason Lukacs Georg
    138,86 zł
  14. Course in General Linguistics
    Course in General Linguistics Saussure Ferdinand De
    133,69 zł

Produkty 151-175 z 238

238 produkt(ów)
Ustaw kierunek rosnący