Deconstructionism, Structuralism, Post-structuralism

Produkty 126-150 z 238

238 produkt(ów)
Ustaw kierunek rosnący
  1. Question Concerning Technology in China
    Question Concerning Technology in China Hui Yuk (Leuphana University)
    73,35 zł
  2. Uncomputable: Play and Politics in the Long Digital Age
    Uncomputable: Play and Politics in the Long Digital Age Galloway Alexander
    79,35 zł
  3. Art as Far as the Eye Can See
    Art as Far as the Eye Can See Virilio Paul
    110,36 zł
  4. The Principles of Deleuzian Philosophy
    The Principles of Deleuzian Philosophy Kokubun Koichiro
    96,69 zł
  5. Animal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be Human
    Animal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be Human Oliver Kelly
    188,37 zł
  6. Strange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe
    Strange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe Rubenstein Mary-Jane
    162,53 zł
  7. The Animal Question in Deconstruction
    The Animal Question in Deconstruction Turner Lynn
    190,20 zł
  8. Why We Dance: A Philosophy of Bodily Becoming
    Why We Dance: A Philosophy of Bodily Becoming Lamothe Kimerer
    133,86 zł

Produkty 126-150 z 238

238 produkt(ów)
Ustaw kierunek rosnący